.able launch week

.able launch week
March 23 – 29
consulter le programme en français
To celebrate the launch of .able, from March 23 to 29, 2023, a week of activities is being held. Online events and in-person meetings in France and Spain will be offered in French, English, and Spanish for a first introduction to .able and its network. A week to discover radically new forms of publications, accessible through images and through a distributed system: on .able web platform, on social media, and in print.
IMPORTANT : Opening night at École des Arts Décoratifs is being postponed
Due to the current social and political context in France, the on-site launch of .able journal is being postponed. We will let you know the new date as soon as possible.
The launch of the online platform will go ahead on March 23, as will the week of launch events.
Thank you for your understanding.
[POSTPONED] March 23 | 6 pm – 9 pm (UTC+1)
opening night (fr)
PARIS > École des Arts Décoratifs, 31 rue d’Ulm 75005 Paris (reservation is recommended)
ONLINE > zoom and live on social media @ablejournal (open access)
Detailed program: https://able-journal.org/soiree-de-lancement
Due to the current social and political context in France, the on-site launch of .able journal is being postponed.
March 24 | 5 pm – 6:30 pm (UTC+1)
academic publishing beyond text (en)
.able webinar
ONLINE > zoom (open access)
Using the case study of two image-based articles on .able journal, their authors and members of the .able network will discuss the potentialities and challenges of academic publishing going beyond the traditional text-centric model.
Access to webinar on Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/93000859289
with the participation of:
Ricardo Devesa,
editor-in-chief, Actar Publishers and urbanNext, professor in architectural design (ES-CT)
Lucile Haute,
lecturer in design, Université de Nîmes, and Associate Researcher, EnsadLab, École des Arts Décoratifs – PSL (FR)
Peter Lunenfeld,
Professor and Vice Chair of UCLA’s Design Media Arts department and part of the Digital Humanities program and Urban Humanities Initiative, UCLA. Co-author of .able’s article “Solve for (X)futurisms” (US-CA)
Gisèle Trudel,
artist and Professor, École des Arts Visuels et Médiatiques, Université du Québec à Montréal. Holder of MÉDIANE, Canada Research Chair in Arts, Ecotechnologies of Practice and Climate Change. Co-author of the .able article “Going with the Flow” (CA-QC)
March 25 | 4 pm – 5:30 pm (UTC+1)
holding on: photography and reflexive ethnography (fr)
PARIS > Galerie VU’, 58 rue Saint-Lazare, 75009 Paris (reservation required)
At Galerie VU’, Jean-Robert Dantou, photographer, and Florence Weber, sociologist and anthropologist present “Tenir,” a visual essay developed in collaboration with graphic designer Ninon Bonzom for .able journal, created around portraits of inhabitants of the city of Tonnerre (Yonne department). Revealed within these portraits is a mise en abyme of the relational dimension of the photographic act and an evocation of the strategies developed by some as ways to “hold on” in particularly fragile economic, social, and moral circumstances. The presentation of this project is also an opportunity for a broader discussion on the challenges of image-based publishing, as proposed by the .able journal.
Admission upon reservation: https://forms.gle/Z7YBQejDdTjBgrzr7
with the participation of:
Jean Robert Dantou,
photographer, Agence VU’, PhD candidate SACRe, ENS – PSL (FR)
Florence Weber,
sociologist and anthropologist, ENS – PSL (FR)
Samuel Bianchini,
artist and researcher, editor-in-chief of .able journal, École des Arts Décoratifs – PSL (FR)

March 27 | 6 pm – 7 pm (UTC+2)
inside the making of .able (en)
live Q&A
ONLINE > Instagram @ablejournal
A live Instagram discussion to go behind the scenes of .able journal: the project’s genesis and editorial process, along with feedback from contributors. The .able network will be available to answer your questions.
Access to the live on Instagram @ablejournal
with the participation of:
Karen Holmberg,
archaeologist, Research Scientist, Scientific Director, WetLab, NYU Gallatin (US-NY)
Constanza Gomez,
Regional Director, Fundación ProCultura (CL)
Gwenaëlle Lallemand,
development coordinator .able (FR)
Pauline Personeni,
editor, Actar Publishers and urbanNext (ES-CT)
March 29 | 6 pm – 9 pm (UTC+2)
publicar investigación artística: .able journal, hacía otra imaginación editorial (es/en)
meeting and round table
(subject to change)
BARCELONA > Hangar, Carrer Emilia Coranty, 16, 08018 Barcelona (open access)
An evening bringing together Barcelona’s leading cultural organizations to discuss the development of .able journal, especially with and for Spanish-speaking communities. An immersion in the journal, presentations of artistic research projects, and round table will be followed by a cocktail. A final highlight of this opening week, resolutely focused on .able journal’s future.
with the participation of:
Samuel Bianchini,
editor-in-chief of .able, École des Arts Décoratifs – PSL (FR)
Andres Burbano,
Associate Professor, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (ES-CT)
Manuel Cirauqui,
Director, Eina Idea (ES-CT)
Francesca Cozzolino,
anthropologist, Lecturer and Researcher, École des Arts Décoratifs – PSL (FR)
Ricardo Devesa,
editor-in-chief, Actar Publishers and urbanNext, professor in architectural design (ES-CT)
Anna Manubens,
Director, Hangar (ES-CT)
Marie-Stéphane Maradeix,
General Delegate of the Fondation Daniel et Nina Carasso (FR-ES)
María Fernanda Moscoso,
BAU Centre Universitari d’art i Disseny de Barcelona, Hangar (ES-CT)
Pierre Puentes,
independent designer (CO)
Guillem Serrahima Solà,
PhD researcher, ESTCA – EDESTA, Université Paris 8 (FR)

initiated by:
published by:

academic partners:
artistic and cultural partners:
associated research labs, groups, networks, clusters…:
with the support of:
cultural partner of the launch week:

contact us
You can contact us at contact[at]able-journal[dot]org or on social media
• instagram • facebook • twitter • linkedin • vimeo • youtube