social media specifications

.able is also on social media. Discover how content and contributions can be promoted there by discovering the different existing formats.


visit the website to browse all formats specifications or go directly to a specific format.

image formats

• feed  • stories

video formats

• feed  • stories  • reels 

carousel formats

• feed 

instant experience formats



visit the website to browse all formats specifications or go directly to a specific format.

image formats

• feed  • stories  • explore  

video formats

• feed  • stories  • explore  • reels

carousel formats

• feed  • stories   

linked in

visit the website to browse all formats specifications or go directly to a specific format.

links to different formats

• single image  • carousel • video  • text and media  


visit the website to browse all formats specifications or go directly to a specific format.

links to different formats

• image  • video  • carousel